Not too long ago I stumbled upon this little gem, hosted by A Haven For Vee, and decided I wanted to join! You can read up about the link up party on her site, as well as the rules. Here are my four photos that I've chosen for July.
What a lovely idea! If you'd like to join up, you can visit the party here.
Travel. That's what I like. However, now, with life happening, finding a job that I absolutely love, a home that is not so bad, and being busy and involved with our church, travel is not really something that's going to happen so often in my life anymore. I'm okay with that. I guess earlier in my life I always thought every other place that I went was more beautiful. Korea had lots of beauty, each spring there were Cherry Blossoms, and roses and all of that. Thailand, what can you say, the beaches, the people, just beautiful.

New Brunswick, though, wow. I can't believe I missed the beauty in this place up until now. I must have noticed, but not all that much, I guess. When I was younger I'd watch the sky as the sun set and marvel at how amazing it looked. I always compared it to the ocean, and little clumps of pink and purple clouds like big stones on the beach. It was mesmerizing. Even now, like tonight, driving home, I was just so distracted by the gorgeous sky. It's not so good. I should just give in, pull over, and take some pictures of it, it would be safer than going off the road.

I also really enjoy my driver to and from work in the full daylight. The rolling hills, the greenery, fields of different crops that are growing, it's wonderful.

New Brunswick is a beautiful province, and I'm going to be sure not to forget the gift God has given me to enjoy each day here. I do plan on making more of an effort to stop and take some photos from now on, and to share them with you.

In the mean time, here is another website with some spectacular photos of this lovely province. And here are some random photos that I've taken over the little while since we've been back from Korea!